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Recent content by Number 5

  1. Number 5

    Anything new happening around here?

    Or is it the same old place?
  2. Number 5

    Anyone have the urge to go back to DOS/Win3.11? Now you can!

    Well, if you've a Playbook, you can. http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/17/dosbox-ported-to-blackberry-playbook-brings-ms-dos-and-windows/ You still can't have messenger, or an email client, but you can fire up Commander Keen and toast some Vorticons.
  3. Number 5

    Barad-d?r...in LEGO!

    Gallery here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41823416@N08/sets/72157627009168190/with/5854726106/ Simply amazing...
  4. Number 5

    RIP John McCarthy

    McCarthy created the term "artificial intelligence" and was a towering figure in computer science at Stanford most of his professional life. In his career, he developed the programming language LISP, played computer chess via telegraph with opponents in Russia and invented computer time-sharing.
  5. Number 5

    Just when you thought it was safe to download...

    On September 29th, 2011 the recently re-elected Conservative Government reintroduced the Copyright Modernization Act, Bill C-11 (previously Bill C-32). Given that the Conservatives now hold the majority of seats in the House, the quick and easy passage of this ?Made In America? legislation is no...
  6. Number 5

    What the hell is wrong with humanity?

    A while back, I'd posted something in the Simmonds thread about how people will let you down every time. Perusing the news sites this morning, I find lots of evidence backing that up. Some examples: 2 year old hit by a vehicle...and 18 people walk right past her, as she lies there in the...
  7. Number 5

    Blackberry Media Player

    Anyone know of a decent media player for the Blackberry? I'm tired of not being able to scroll through my media, and when I find a song I like, queue it up to be played next. Like a dynamic playlist. The default one bites. I jump around a lot with my musical tastes, and it's awkward to create...
  8. Number 5

    Best ISO mounting/virtual drive software?

    For years I've been using Daemon Tools, but the past few versions seem to have been a hassle to get installed, and has given me a few headaches, so I'm looking for alternatives. It's primary use will be the virtual drive function, as I frequently have mutliple ISO's mounted. Any recommendations?
  9. Number 5

    Sign new terms, or be banned from PSN...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-14948701 It's corporate attitudes like this take make me glad I don't own a PS3.
  10. Number 5

    RIP Cliff Robertson

    http://www.imdb.com/news/ni15217970/ RIP, Charly.
  11. Number 5

    Avery: BUSTED.

    Didn't see this elsewhere... http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=373247 Out on $20K bail for assaulting a police officer. Whatta guy...
  12. Number 5

    Star Wars Themed X-Box!

    Dunno why I hadn't heard of this till now... http://www.zdnet.com/blog/gadgetreviews/star-wars-themed-xbox-360-kinect-bundle-revealed-pre-orders-start-today/26422 It looks like R2D2!
  13. Number 5

    Missing Friends

    The Sakura thread got me thinking about missing friends.... Anyone heard from Mr.T?
  14. Number 5

    "Phone Hacking" Whistleblower found dead.

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14194623 Interesting...