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Another rail disaster: Hi-speed train wreck in Spain


New member
Dubbed one of "Europe's worst" rail disasters, a high-speed train carrying over 247 passengers, running at 190 kilometres/hr (120 miles/hr), veered off the tracks, slammed into a concrete wall, and flew in every direction, while it was coming around the bend.

Approximately 100 people injured and more than 80 dead (at last count), as investigators are questioning the driver and the maneuverings that led the train to derail so violently.  Investigation is still ongoing.

Crash took place in the small Northwestern town of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

For more on the story, go to:
Black box decoders, recovered by investigators, show that the driver of the train was speaking on the (cell)phone, attempting to receive information just before the crash occurred, failing to apply the brakes at least four kilometres before the train rounded the bend.  Also the train was travelling at 153 km/h as it was approaching it's curve on the track.  AccordIng to officials, the train should have slowed to 80 km/h.

The driver,  Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, is charged with 79 counts of negligent homicide, and is pending trial. 

Investigations are still ongoing to determine any other factor(s) that may have contributed to the train's derailment.  At present, all signs point to a distracted driver.
