The Dickey trade was the one clearly bad trade AA made. Considering how many moves he made that's not a bad track record IMO. Plus it's easy to look back on the trade. He was trading for the Cy Young award winning pitcher. It wasn't a total bust either. Dickey was a workhorse and an innings eater for the Jays.
I'm just really frustrated with the way Shapiro is running the team as a business currently. He shouldn't have raised ticket prices two years in a row. Raising ticket prices by 17% after a losing season is asinine. The fans are going to turn on this team, wait and see. It's the same legacy Shapiro and Atkins left in Cleveland. They were losers there and they're losers here.
I'm just really frustrated with the way Shapiro is running the team as a business currently. He shouldn't have raised ticket prices two years in a row. Raising ticket prices by 17% after a losing season is asinine. The fans are going to turn on this team, wait and see. It's the same legacy Shapiro and Atkins left in Cleveland. They were losers there and they're losers here.