cabber24 said:
I am a little taken back by how sensitive the media has been regarding their alleged mistreat from Stroman. Aren't these guys pros and are suppose to brush this stuff off. Listening to both TSN and Sportsnet radio it has become common place to rip on Stroman's character. He's a kid with a big personality and has an edge, give him a break. Reminds me of the way Bautista rubbed so many the wrong way with his swagger.
There those out there who obviously detest Stroman's smart-alecky behaviour, if one wants to call it that. He has been known to rub on some teammates (particularly after a bad outing by that player, or a loss of sorts of/in a game), plus he's outspoken not afraid to speak his mind, questioning team decision-making, etc.
I take the above to mean that Stroman is a very intensely competitive player, for want of a better description, and is equally committed to playing well & teamwise. As he matures, he'll probably wind it down a bit and pick his battles a little more carefully.
He is signed until 2020, and there have been rumours of teams interested in Stroman's services, (the Yankees, for one, before they traded for Happ), but it looks highly unlikely the Jays will trade him at this point.
It's good to see Stroman getting his groove back on the mound after an awful start to his season.
As for the media, well, let's not forget Stroman always makes for an interesting talking point. If it gets viewers'/listeners' attention, so be it. Non-conformists always elicit some greater form of either admiration or dislike. There isn't much that comes in between.