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Significantly Insignificant said:Bullfrog said:Heroic Shrimp said:It?s quite amazing how the term ?generational? (in its most frequent usage, anyway) has somehow gone from meaning very literally ?once in a generation? to just ?pretty good?.Iafrate said:If Suzuki is ?generational? then what is Nylander? Inter dimensional?
Off-topic: I can't stand "decimate", which once literally meant "to reduce by 1/10th" now means essentially the exact opposite. When people say "the team was decimated", my brain thinks: "so it was reduced by 1 out of 10 people in an effort to motivate through fear?"
I'll decimate my usage of the word decimate based on what you have told me about the word decimate. Before I would use the word decimate to describe a situation in which things had been reduced radically, which as you say is not the proper connotation of the word decimate. Moving forward, if someone asks why I am not using the word decimate, I will explain what the word decimate means, based on your post about the definition of the word decimate. That way I will propagate the proper usage of the word decimate, and hopefully it will get used properly so we don't have the whole literally/figuratively thing happen again, where literally can now mean either literally or figuratively. In order to decimate my usage of the word, I won't include this last sentence.
Can you decimate this paragraph of decimates?