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A New Professional Hockey League.


New member
Another lock-out, another discussion about another professional hockey league.

I think the players could make this work.  After all, they are the most important product. 
An obstacle could be arenas.  However, what if they were to play in places like Michigan Stadium, which was to hold the `13 Winter Classic?  That place holds the record for largest hockey game audience.  I'd love to go see an outdoor game.

What if the North American winner played the KHL winner for an ultimate championship?  I think crossing an ocean is a better idea then crossing the 37th? parallel. 
So....the NHLPAHL?

To be honest, I like the idea and wonder why they didn't do something like this sooner.  I wouldn't mind seeing the NHL players sorted by Province/State (or region, I guess, for the USA) and playing a tournament round robin style like the World Cup...a month of hockey at a high level is better than no hockey over the course of the year!
From: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/yahoo-exclusive-haley-wickenheiser-predicts-women-pro-hockey-144023205.html

Though many women are hardcore fans and terrific players in their own right, the men?s version still dominates. Do you think that dial will ever shift?

Wickenheiser: Yeah, I think it will change, but it takes a leadership group of people who are going to make that paradigm shift. Will women?s hockey ever be the NHL? No, it won?t and that?s OK with me because it can be its own brand and stand alone on its own two feet as a good enough game and a good enough product. And I think we?re close to that.

So is a professional women?s hockey league something you see happening in the next decade?

Wickenheiser: Yeah, I think 10 years is for sure feasible. There?s a group of people who for many years now have been talking and trying to expand on the idea. I think it comes down to: is the product ready and can the game make money? It?s a business at the end of the day. And if you don?t have TV and corporate sponsorship how can you make a product out of that? So there are a lot of moving parts to it but I think the discussion is happening and that?s a good start.

Are women in the NHL still a pipe dream or is there ever hope it could happen again?

Wickenheiser: No, I think it can [happen], for sure. The women?s league needs the NHL but I think the NHL also needs the women?s game. The NHL needs the market of families and women that are going to pay $40 for a family of four to watch a women?s hockey game so that they?re ready to pay $400 to buy NHL tickets. There?s a gap there in that market that the NHL hasn?t tapped into and it?s a win-win for everyone involved.
Absolutely ridiculous and incredible to say the least...consider the UAE's Alexander Medearis MVP for having the courage to face over 200 shots in a 60-0 loss to a Russian team.  Not the largest score ever in hockey, (82-0 & 92-0 retain their records), this is a story of politics & hockey...yes, in the UAE and Turkmenistan...

(This is a long article):


Hockey without borders"... introducing, spreading and teaching Cansda's game around the world...
