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Edmonton city council has unanimously voted to walk away with their deal with Darryl Katz to build a new arena, largely over a request from Katz to get a further 6 million at least per year in subsidies.
Two quotes struck me as interesting
The Oilers, according to Forbes, made 17 million dollars last year.
Two quotes struck me as interesting
Mandel made the comments after councillors voted unanimously to walk away from the deal agreed to last year with Katz to build the $475-million arena, starting in 2013.
Under the original deal, city taxpayers and ticket buyers would pay to build the arena, which, with land, borrowing costs and surrounding infrastructure factored in, is now effectively at $700 million and rising.
But Katz, who bought the team in 2008, has said the franchise is losing money.
He also said the city can afford his new demands because the arena will spur retail, office, and residential buildings around it that will bring in an estimated $2 billion more in tax revenues over 20 years.
However councillors were told by Farbrother that the arena will actually bring in about a quarter of that figure, $584 million, and that almost all of that money would be needed to pay off construction of the rink.
The Oilers, according to Forbes, made 17 million dollars last year.