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Jays Roster Discussion

Joe S. said:
You think so? I thought altuve pretty much had it wrapped up... Unless he falls off a cliff in September...

I think it's probably Bett's to lose, for a lot of the reasons Nik mentions.
Those are all good points... I guess I'm still stuck in traditional metrics - I really need to start diving into advanced metrics and making the effort to understand them...

On a completely separate note, why is the media treating what is happening to thole like it's a thing? He's about as valuable to this team as Venditte was...
Joe S. said:
On a completely separate note, why is the media treating what is happening to thole like it's a thing? He's about as valuable to this team as Venditte was...

Lack of negative things to talk about.
Joe S. said:
Those are all good points... I guess I'm still stuck in traditional metrics - I really need to start diving into advanced metrics and making the effort to understand them...

Kind of interestingly Altuve's bWAR is almost entirely a result of his hitting, with a offensive WAR of 7.2(putting him just behind Trout). Betts is a ways behind at 5.3 but he closes the gap because he's grading as having a spectacular defensive season.

So that might tilt things a little bit in Altuve's way. I think defensive ability is harder to gauge and with less certainty so with Altuve being a reigning gold glover some people out there might read the defense as a wash despite the advanced numbers and just look at Altuve's significantly better year at the plate.
Nik the Trik said:
Kind of interestingly Altuve's bWAR is almost entirely a result of his hitting, with a offensive WAR of 7.2(putting him just behind Trout). Betts is a ways behind at 5.3 but he closes the gap because he's grading as having a spectacular defensive season.

So that might tilt things a little bit in Altuve's way. I think defensive ability is harder to gauge and with less certainty so with Altuve being a reigning gold glover some people out there might read the defense as a wash despite the advanced numbers and just look at Altuve's significantly better year at the plate.

I dunno. I also think a lot of the old school voters will look at Betts' numbers and see the kinds of numbers they like to see that Altuve may not be able to reach - 30+ HR, 100+ RBIs, etc - and feel like that more than makes up for the difference between their respective batting averages. The rest of their raw numbers are awfully close. I mean, to an old school type, the only thing Altuve really has on Betts is that he walks more - and, I can see them not valuing that anywhere close as high as they should.
bustaheims said:
I dunno. I also think a lot of the old school voters will look at Betts' numbers and see the kinds of numbers they like to see that Altuve may not be able to reach - 30+ HR, 100+ RBIs, etc - and feel like that more than makes up for the difference between their respective batting averages. The rest of their raw numbers are awfully close. I mean, to an old school type, the only thing Altuve really has on Betts is that he walks more - and, I can see them not valuing that anywhere close as high as they should.

Betts is only 7 RBI up on Altuve(94 to 87) so it seems pretty likely that they'll both hit 100. Altuve will probably finish with 25+ homeruns so I don't know how big a deal that will be.

I think old school writers really like it when guys lead the league in traditional stat categories, something Altuve is doing right now in hits and batting average. Betts is leading the league in total bases which is probably more significant but fits less of a narrative.

Either way, if I had to guess the finish right now I'd guess 1. Altuve 2. Betts 3. Donaldson. If you asked me who I'd vote for it'd probably be 1. Trout 2. Altuve 3. Donaldson.
Potvin29 said:
Which is more accurate, bWAR or fWAR? Donaldson ranks 2nd in the AL in fWAR behind Trout (7.2 to 6.9).

I don't think it's a question of either being more accurate than the other because there's no definitive answer to the question of what makes one ball player more valuable than the other. You just have to look at their methods and decide which one you like better really. Both have value though. I'm not as big into the FIPS stuff as fangraphs is(as far as I recall) so I like BR better.
Frank E said:
Can someone explain to me what just happened with Thole?

Please and thank you.
They got rid of him to make room for Navarro and now that the roster has expanded they had room to bring him back.
Have to give the Jays credit, they're finding new and exciting ways to lose 1 run ballgames. They're really exploring the studio space.
Fourth loss in five games.  This is September.  While everyone else is shoring themselves up, the Blue Jays are free-falling.

Poor base-running, weak offence or clutch hitting, defensive miscues, blah, blah, blah.  Sure the Jays lost by close scores, still, the simple fact remains, they lost.

Now that the Red Sox have tied them for the A.L. East lead, and the Orioles & Yankees making a grab for it as well, the real race has begun...

C'mon Blue Jays, get going!
THE SKY IS FALLING! It truly is, this awful streak just keeps going and going. We all know their not this bad but COME ON, SNAP OUT OF IT!

6 man rotation? Looming contracts? Don't care... figure it out.
cabber24 said:
THE SKY IS FALLING! It truly is, this awful streak just keeps going and going. We all know their not this bad but COME ON, SNAP OUT OF IT!

6 man rotation? Looming contracts? Don't care... figure it out.

Strange isn't it?  How the Blue Jays are floundering at a time when other teams are ramping up their game.  Obviously, as this team has been winning and doing well for most of the the season until now, one can't say that the Blue Jays have 'run out of gas'.  Or, have they?
With the Jays' 8-1 loss to Anaheim last night,  they are now 3GBL in the A.L. East, tied with Baltimore.  Wild Cardrace also has the Jays and the Orioles deadlocked for top spot.

Worth noting: if playoffs were to be played now, Jays & Orioles would face-off in a sudden-death game (to determine A.L.Wild Card winner), and the winning team would get to face the Texas Rangers.

The pressure on the Blue Jays is enormous and every single game from here on in counts, loss or win, either way will make or break their hopes to overtake a Boston team that's ressembling last season's Jays.

Frank E said:
Do we really think this is Gibby's fault?

I really have never been a big supporter of Gibbons so I'm really not going to go out of my way to defend him, and I'm not.

If there is anyone I would be pointing a finger at it might be the hitting coach.  The Jays have been pitched outside all year.  They aren't adjusting.  That's either a fault of the hitting coach to not find a strategy against it, or a guy who can't command enough presence to get the players to follow through on adjustments.