Stronger Than All said:
So my 2 year old son has this Scout toy ( which does a bunch of things. One thing it does is asks you to find a letter and names the letter. My son finds almost every letter now and nobody knows how he is doing this. My mother in law was actually a bit creeped out. Nobody thinks a 2 year old should be able to do this.
For now, I'm going to assume I simply have a genius son!
when my now-22-and-about-to-graduate-from-McMaster-in-Engineering daughter was between 1 and 3 years old (I'm talking 1992 here), we had an old MacClassic computer that had this stupid little alphabet game on it....The full (eight inch at the time) screen would be a letter, and she'd have to find it on the keyboard and tap it. If she was correct, a little bird would fly across the screen and tweet. I don't remember what it was actually called but she called it 'birdie game' and she knew her alphabet by age 2 because of it, and was reading by the time she went to kindergarten. I would make her call out the letter so I knew she was actually learning the alphabet verbally as well as in written form. The kid was bored by Dr Seuss by age 3.
My younger one was born when she was 6, and she read to him. Once he discovered Link and Mario and Luigi at age 3, he wanted to play Nintendo all the time and I refused to sit down and read the screen to him all day long, so out of need to play his games, he learned to read by age 3. When the other kids in grade 1 and 2 were learning Spot and Horton hears a who, my son was reading novels by Eric Walters.
Your kid is a genius!

.....there's no greater gift for a child (after parental love!) than knowing how to read.