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Leafs goal song 2013


New member
I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere before already but... on Saturday night, perhaps even earlier, the Leafs have been using Harlem Shake as the goal song in the ACC.

Uhm... okay , a couple things;

1. How did this ever get passed as a good idea?

2. Whoever approved this , why have they not been fired immediately and this horrendous mistake corrected immediately?

I am embarassed beyond words. A pop culture, youtube song that usually accompanies terrible dancing. Really? Really guys??!
I am utterly stunned.
Mack674 said:
I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere before already but... on Saturday night, perhaps even earlier, the Leafs have been using Harlem Shake as the goal song in the ACC.

Uhm... okay , a couple things;

1. How did this ever get passed as a good idea?

2. Whoever approved this , why have they not been fired immediately and this horrendous mistake corrected immediately?

I am embarassed beyond words. A pop culture, youtube song that usually accompanies terrible dancing. Really? Really guys??!
I am utterly stunned.

It's Nonis's favorite song.
Since day 1, the ACC has played horrible music. Took them about 8 years to stop playing C&C Music Factory and various other crap tunes from the worst of the early 90's. 

The first and only sign that they had realized it is that they are using part of Joker and the Thief when the players hit the ice, finally dropping bloody Enter Sandman. 

But then they go to the Harlem Shake for the goal song? As if the old goal song wasn't stupid enough.
Potvin29 said:
Have yet to notice it.

I just barely did over the commentators the other night and it was like a bad dream.....

"hey what a nice.... wait.... wait a second... thats not... no... NO... NO!?!?!? NO NO NO NO"

That zombie nation song wasnt bad, I mean it got old but it was passable. Even the season after, and even that last song was bad but compared to this atrocity its pretty much a classical masterpiece.
I've never actually heard this song before, so when the Leafs score I don't really notice it. Too busy listening to the fans will the puck into the net post-goal.
When I first heard Harlem Shake as the goal song I thought, "You have got to be kidding me."  But crazy enough, hearing it live at a game last week, it grew on me and I think it is actually fitting. haha

I do agree with Corn Flake's point that the ACC music has always been brutal. 
They've just recently switched back to "Turbulence" by Steve Aoki\Laidback Luke and Little John. A muuuuuuuuuch better option than Harlem Shake.
TheMightyOdin said:
Who makes these choices?

Next up... Rick Roll the ACC and then play Rebecca Blacks song if a game falls on a Friday.

Good thing the Leafs don't have any Friday games this season.