3rd! He's 3rd, before Sittler (#1) and Gilmour (#2)...
And, yeah, there's a history behind it. Pretty sure I've told this novel here before, but since the forum is renewed:
Gill played for the Leafs when Doug Carpenter was the coach. And, before that, John Brophy was, and Steve Thomas played here too. Gill and Stumpy were best friends, and at the time, my two favorite players (Thomas is #4 on my all time Leaf list). I met them both several times at various charity appearances and they were both always totally approachable, likable and damn nice. When Steve Thomas was traded to Chicago, Todd Gill cried at the press conference. And I did, here at home. While Gill was never the most skilled on the team, he was through and through a team guy, and took the fights to stand up for his beloved teammates (the Courtnalls and the Gilmours and the guys you didn't want to lose to the penalty box). After Thomas was gone, Carpenter became coach and Gill had little or no ice time thereafter. Crushed his already fragile state of mind. I was so p-o'd at the coach...... The following season, Gill and his (first) wife had their first child, and I made the first ever Game Day Bear... A little Gund bear with sweater #23 on it....I had it delivered to him at MLG during a news story on the Leafs that night, there was a clip of an interview with Todd, and sitting in the top shelf of his dressing room stall behind him, was GillBear

The following season, I ran into him at the Newmarket arena (again, during a charity thing) and he was with Clark and Courtnall, the three of them were chatting and he broke away from them waved at me and yelled "thanks so much for the bear!"
So, yeah, Gill is my all time #3 Leaf