Well-known member
louisstamos said:Reviving this thread for all the players out there.
Thinking about picking up a new axe. Doing a sort of informal poll:
Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster
Fender Kurt Cobain Signature Mustang
Anyone every owned or is a particular fan of either instrument? I play mostly punk-to-postrock stuff (a lot of dynamics - clean to heavy). My cousin, who had a Mustang once upon a time, said the Jazzmaster is the better way to go, but I like the humbucker and single coil option in the KC Mustang.
Let me start by saying I'm a big fan of both those guitars. I used to have a Mustang '65 RI.
But, for the price of one of those you could have all 3 of these:

These are the Squier Vintage Modified Series and I'd urge you to check them out. I'm blown away by them for the price especially if you like to modify.
The biggest difference between the Fender and the Squier versions is the tremolo's are way better on the Fender versions so that's something to consider.
I bought a FSR Squier Cyclone a couple years back and I can't imagine buying a better guitar for $200.