Andy007 said:
Nik the Trik said:
Might be important to keep in mind that as much as its an experience for the fans, it's also one for the band. They probably want to play as much of their catalog as possible and probably don't want to dwell on the sad facts of why this tour is so significant.
And that certainly is understandable. They can play an hour and 45 minutes of "Now for Plan A" and "in Violet Light" if they so choose to, and it would also be understandable for some people to be disappointed and let down by that.
I was also there, Yes, I also wished they played more of a biggest hits type show but still enjoyed it immensely which I am sure you did as well. It's not really Gord's style to talk much to the crowd but his tears and extra passion (even more then usual, different passion, sad passion) at times were definitely out of the norm from any Hip show I have seen. He also took some alone time with the crowd at times and did additional bowing and gesturing throughout. The crowd was one of biggest sources of entertainment for me, it was loud and electric the whole time.