Can someone explain to me what this Occupy Wall Street thing is all about? I can't figure out what their goal is. I understand that they don't like corporate greed, but how is camping out going to accomplish anything?
Even the website doesn't say anything about what they want. The
about page doesn't say anything about what their goal is, it's just all about what they're doing and how they're doing it.
Have they made any requests? How do "We, the people of the United States of America, considering the crisis at hand," plan to "now reassert our sovereign control of our land."?
This seems like a bunch of college kids protesting just for the sake of protesting without really trying to accomplish anything but get articles written about them.
There's a rally here in St. John's tomorrow, but while I support the idea in theory, I'm not going to spend my Saturday sitting around and whining with other people for no reason. Newsflash: poor people don't like being poor and unemployed people want jobs. Do we really need to protest to send government the message that we want more money and better jobs?