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Idiocracy 2024

like balancing budgets and not adding to deficits are things Harper did before the Boy King tried to ruin our country

I just wanted to add - while Justin Trudeau is indeed the largest accumulator of federal debt in Canadian history (and he was on pace to do so even before the pandemic hit), note that it is factually incorrect about Harper having balanced budgets. He did during his first term with the minority government, but in both his second minority government and majority government, he ran a deficit and added to the federal debt every year. Tables 1 and 2 in this report here: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sit...-in-canada-by-pm-since-confederation-2020.pdf

Canada's best years for balanced budgets and federal debt repayment were under Jean Chretien.
I have spent almost a quarter of my life in the US
I think I have some perspective

I don't want to get sucked into this conversation because everyone has their own reality these days. But let me say that it appears that @Highlander and I are the only ones who spent a substantial amount of our lives living in the US. I lived in NYC for about a quarter of my life too.

We have our finger on the pulse of what's happening in the US better than most here.

I would say 80% of my friends voted AGAINST Trump in 2016 and 2020.... and then in 2024 Americans woke up. 80% of my friends voted FOR TRUMP. And so did all the swing states and the majority of the nation....even Chicago and NYC almost swung his way.

The takes I see on this board are 2017 US Takes.... "Orange Man evil".... "If you vote for Trump you are not worth talking too"

Even hardcore democrat have softened in the US and got past the type of thinking on this thread because they also woke up a bit that the media and big tech has been lying to them and the path of the US was heading off a cliff.

Trumps 2024 victory was NOT about Right vs Left.

It was about an Outsider who is not a career politician. Its about a candidate that will not do 100% of what the globalist elite want (which is against all of our interests), versus career politicians who will 100% of the time just do and say what their donors tell them to do. Biden didn't even have the comprehension of what he was doing....he just read scripts and signed documents without too much awareness. Harris looks similar.

The takes you guys have about Trump and the US are coming from main stream media. You are being agitated to hate. The Majority of Americans saw thru that recently....ratings of CNN and MSNBC are fractions of what they were because Americans are tired of being agitating and shamed into hating someone and told what to do and how to think.

The media is aggressively agitating people to hate Trump. To be angry and detest everything he does and everyone around him....and even anyone who's opinion is for him. This is not only in US.... it's also in full gear in Canada too! Canadians are losing their minds right now with what we call TDS. Trump Derangement Syndrome. It makes people angry and lose sight of what's really happening. That an Outsider ran for political office that the corporate and globalists fear (Trump may do 93% of what the elite want... but not 100% like Bushjr and Obama and Biden before him) and is shaking things up with some common sense of budget cut backs, getting rid of illegals, and supporting local businesses and lowering taxes and moving jobs for wage earners back into America.

Some of us, by suspending our TDS (yes Ozzie was like you at one time always hating on Trump)....... even realized democrats have become super right wing....they are colluding with BIG CORPORATES, supporting War, and all about censorship and debanking political dissent.

Im left wing..... i am opposed to BigPharma, BigAg, BigWar......and censorship. Also i am opposed to Identity Politics too. I recovered from TDS about 10 months ago when I saw that the bs in US with Biden and Harris was the same as the bs in Canada w Trudeau and Freeland. Liberals are the worst of the left and the worst of the right....with censorship, war and working with BigCorporates.

It took Americans 3.5 years to wake up and do something about this trend. A trend that Canadians have yet to do anything about in 9 years. But certainly...with Carney at the helm...... Canadians will get more of the same. And with PP I suspect the same too. Polievre is likely going to be more of the same for this nation, which is a Petri dish for these policies. So I expect Canada's downward trajectory will continue.

Canadians are now poorer than people in the state of Alabama. If you never left here... you might not notice how badly Canada has fallen.

But people are still arguing green taxes and gender Pronouns and trying to NOT be like the 'deplorable' US. And everyone HATES Trump and hates anyone who may agree with even one thing he says. Like me.....or Highlander or Elon or RFKjr or whatever..... detest everyone!!! It will surely make you not notice the food bank lines and rising taxes.

I hope my Canadian brothers and sisters can wake up to the grift that's occurred in Canada (see the list of policies I posted in the Federal Election thread about WEF influence in Canada). Americans did something about it already.
It took Americans 3.5 years to wake up and do something about this trend. A trend that Canadians have yet to do anything about in 9 years. But certainly...with Carney at the helm...... Canadians will get more of the same. And with PP I suspect the same too. Polievre is likely going to be more of the same for this nation, which is a Petri dish for these policies. So I expect Canada's downward trajectory will continue.

I will say this - as much as we disagree on the semantics, this paragraph resonated with me a bit, as I kind of agree. I don't really consider myself a leftist - if anything, academia has turned me into a political nihilist. For me, western political politics have all become about money and donations. In the end - you're voting on which billionaires/corporations/unions you want to be run by. The politicians are merely the face/mouth representing them.

That's why I don't subscribe to any one political party - in my lifetime, I've voted Conservative, Liberal, NDP *and* Green. I put more of a focus on policies (I generally prefer policies that favour labour and that target wealth inequality). I generally prefer better jobs than more jobs. Before the 80s, it was quite common where there only needed to be one working partner in the house to support a family. Now, because of wealth inequality, that's not the case (something staring me in the face right now as my partner and I are expecting our first child and the sad reality, despite the fact that we both have what are considered very good jobs, we still both need to work in order to afford it). So - in the Canadian context, I will vote for the local MP or MPP who I trust most personality wise, and whose policies most align with my own - knowing full well it's also probably benefiting the money backers behind them as well.

And I think that's where we disagree about Trump - I can still say as much as he presents himself as the "outsider," he is still backed by the same corporate structure that has been doing it for about 45 years now. And his policies from both his first term and what he's enacted so far don't align with what my values and what my priorities are, which are addressing labour and wealth inequality (in fact, a lot of what he's done has had the opposite effect). I will call a spade a spade when it's the case - for example, I don't really agree with most of Elon Musk's ideas, but his calling for the dissolving of the penny is the right decision. Each penny costs $0.03 to make and is only worth $0.01, so getting rid of it is good fiscal policy. But decisions like that are few and far between.

Again, as much as he presents himself as an outsider, he represents the status quo. He was elected by the status quo process, and is backed by status quo money. Any substantial changes that need to hapeen to Canada/US/the world in general are generally not achieved through the status quo. For you, it's the WEF, and for me it's the billionaire class - they are not going to give up power willingly, and it will take a strong social/societal change to do anything.
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Trump has been the de facto head of the GOP for almost a decade now and the party has been contorted to fit his desires. His “political outsider” status dissolved a long time ago.

Also, for most people, not liking Trump has nothing to do with media narratives. We’re media literate enough to see through that. We don’t like him because of the things he does, the things he says, and the policies he puts forward - both social and fiscal.
DEI made a helicopter hit a plane and kill 60+ people.

I think DEI is in the room with us right now...

He actually signed an executive order to declare this

He's literally Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.
DEI made a helicopter hit a plane and kill 60+ people.

I think DEI is in the room with us right now...

He actually signed an executive order to declare this

He's literally Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.
Nevermind the fact that Musk pushed out the FAA chief already. But it's the DEIs. If anything the likes of Musk and RFK jr. should be considered the DEIs considering how woefully unqualified they are in their respective positions.
Nevermind the fact that Musk pushed out the FAA chief already. But it's the DEIs. If anything the likes of Musk and RFK jr. should be considered the DEIs considering how woefully unqualified they are in their respective positions.

Musk took a government agency function and reduced the costs of it by 90% to 95%. Meaning he can accomplish with $5 with SpaceX what it took NASA $100 of taxpayers money to accomplish.

I would say he is qualified more than any person on the planet to head the Department of Government Efficiency.

That means reduced costs, less debt and lower taxes to Americans.

The media is aggressively agitating people to hate Trump. To be angry and detest everything he does and everyone around him....and even anyone who's opinion is for him. This is not only in US.... it's also in full gear in Canada too! Canadians are losing their minds right now with what we call TDS. Trump Derangement Syndrome. It makes people angry and lose sight of what's really happening.

Please read this paragraph above.
Musk took a government agency function and reduced the costs of it by 90% to 95%. Meaning he can accomplish with $5 with SpaceX what it took NASA $100 of taxpayers money to accomplish.

I would say he is qualified more than any person on the planet to head the Department of Government Efficiency.

That means reduced costs, less debt and lower taxes to Americans.

Please read this paragraph above.
I've read enough by you and frankly Im not interested. I've muted you so feel free to continue this conversation on your own.
Musk took a government agency function and reduced the costs of it by 90% to 95%. Meaning he can accomplish with $5 with SpaceX what it took NASA $100 of taxpayers money to accomplish.

I would say he is qualified more than any person on the planet to head the Department of Government Efficiency.

That means reduced costs, less debt and lower taxes to Americans.

Ozzie said:
The media is aggressively agitating people to hate Trump. To be angry and detest everything he does and everyone around him....and even anyone who's opinion is for him. This is not only in US.... it's also in full gear in Canada too! Canadians are losing their minds right now with what we call TDS. Trump Derangement Syndrome. It makes people angry and lose sight of what's really happening.

Please read this paragraph above.
I watched the words come out of his damn mouth.

That part where you quoted the yourself sounds like straight up, Russian Propaganda. I mean how could they not take advantage of a name like Bucha right? Damn Media hate machine.

Also stop with the TDS thing, the guy is a pig. You trivialize his nonsense with that crap.

The shakedown is happening with the most absurd rationalization I've ever heard, with no details until the day they are enacted and no understanding of what will get the tariffs lowered, or knowing if he'll just keep shifting the goalposts. Hope the turncoats and bootlickers are happy while Canada suffers needlessly.
Musk took a government agency function and reduced the costs of it by 90% to 95%. Meaning he can accomplish with $5 with SpaceX what it took NASA $100 of taxpayers money to accomplish.

I would say he is qualified more than any person on the planet to head the Department of Government Efficiency.

That means reduced costs, less debt and lower taxes to Americans.

Please read this paragraph above.
You are part of the problem. He is balls deep in you.

The shakedown is happening with the most absurd rationalization I've ever heard, with no details until the day they are enacted and no understanding of what will get the tariffs lowered, or knowing if he'll just keep shifting the goalposts. Hope the turncoats and bootlickers are happy while Canada suffers needlessly.
Yes, an explanation that made sense would be appreciated. I think every country could be more independent especially those with the means to but Trump's approach isn't very articulate. The threat has the country and provinces investing in Fentanyl prevention and border controls so I feel like he got what he said he wanted. What else does he want?
Yes, an explanation that made sense would be appreciated. I think every country could be more independent especially those with the means to but Trump's approach isn't very articulate. The threat has the country and provinces investing in Fentanyl prevention and border controls so I feel like he got what he said he wanted. What else does he want?
That's the thing. Where will it stop and why will it stop? If he can use it as a cudgel to get whatever he wants then why stop? Even if it hurts normal Americans does it really matter if we end up bending the knee on bigger issues that go against Canadian interests? Or if Canadian companies feel the only way to stay in business is to relocate operations? Until he draws a set line in the sand I'm going to believe him when he says he wants Canada as the 51st state, if not politically then economically.
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That's the thing. Where will it stop and why will it stop? If he can use it as a cudgel to get whatever he wants then why stop? Even if it hurts normal Americans does it really matter if we end up bending the knee on bigger issues that go against Canadian interests?
He wants the goddamn country for F sake so this really could be painful.

The shakedown is happening with the most absurd rationalization I've ever heard, with no details until the day they are enacted and no understanding of what will get the tariffs lowered, or knowing if he'll just keep shifting the goalposts. Hope the turncoats and bootlickers are happy while Canada suffers needlessly.
It’s easy. Canada has to get the non existent Mexican cartels that are running the non existent Fentanyl labs out of the country and also stop all the non existent undocumented immigrants from crossing into the US, even though it’s the US border patrol that manages that.

See. Simple.

And I love the narrative that Canada has the US over a barrel when it comes to trade. Canada has taken it up the ass for like 150 years of being exploited by the US when it comes to trade.
I know there’s no such thin as logic anymore, and I know these tariffs are a bullying tactic, but I still don’t understand what Trump actually wants. I just don’t understand the reality we are living in anymore. It’s complete nonsense.

Trump has also said the tariffs are to punish Canada for being lax on drugs and migrants even as the U.S. government's figures show less than one per cent of fentanyl and illegal migrants are coming from this country.

Figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show the agency seized just 19.5 kilogramsof fentanyl at the northern border last year, compared to a whopping 9,570 kilograms at the southwestern one.

CBP data shows the number of people sneaking over the border into the U.S. last year was 24,000, a drop in the bucket compared to the surge coming in from Mexico.