Saint Nik said:
I mean, at some point the whole "Jo Jo Reyes is a starting pitcher nonsense has to end, right?
He's not absolutely useless for a bottom of the league team, but he's a consistently below average pitcher (ERA+ of 81). Puts 2 men on base every other inning and walks too many guys for someone who doesn't strike anyone out. I understand that AA wants to acquire assets for absolutely everything in the Jays organization but sometimes keeping useless players past their expiry date isn't the best course of action. Stewart was providing similar peripheral numbers with slightly better outcome. I can tolerate a young pitcher learning in the Majors, I really don't get this idea that you should keep them in the minors simply because a useless player is out of options.
I'm thinking so too. However, we should prepare to hear the usual "out of options" reasoning for why he stays.