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Optimus Reimer said:OldTimeHockey said:Optimus Reimer said:OldTimeHockey said:If you can't tune out the media and the fans you have no place being a goalie.
I really couldn't give a rats behind what the media thinks, says or prints and most players would probably feel the same way. But as fans of our team and our players, we have an obligation to support our players and not run them out of town. We have become so accustomed to having lineups of crappy players that some of us may have forgot who we are as Leaf fans. I remember 11 years ago and before that if someone trash talked one of the Leaf players whether in conversation or online, we would be all over that person. We need to get that attitude back.
Yeah, that's a nice thought and all, but fans of teams(in every sport) have been complaining about players since the beginning of time. It's not a 'new' thing for Toronto fans to complain about the players the Leafs ice.
I also don't think the players give a rats rearend about what you, or I, or any fan thinks. They can't. It's their job not to. Like I said, if you can't take the scrutiny, you have no place being a goalie or for that matter, an NHL player.
Well we are Leaf fans and we are supposed to be different than other fans. I remember when polls were taken that Leaf fans were rated the most supportive of their NHL hockey team and overall 2nd or 3rd in terms of all major league sports in North America, but other polls suggest Toronto is one of the worst sports cities in North America.
Back in '93 when the Wings dominated the Leafs in the first two games in Detroit and everyone was saying the series would be done in 4 or 5 games. But the Leafs came back and won the next two in Toronto and the series in 7 thanks to the huge support of the fans. So we can continue to throw bullets at players or we can go back to our roots and throw them our support.
Call me crazy, but I don't buy it.