mr grieves
New member
KW Sluggo said:JohnK's Revenge said:Yeah he should have said thank you mr. Carlyle for putting me in a situation where I was going to struggle and then cut me loose from a place where I actually enjoyed playing. People should be allowed to wear their heart on their sleeve more and say what they really feel. Its one of the beefs I have with mr hom hum kessel who is possibly one of the worst leafs interviewees ever behind the borschevsky interview post game 7 vs detroit.KW Sluggo said:Well you cannot put up those [expletive] numbers (by which I mean [expletive] goals, [expletive] assists and [expletive] contract) and expect to [expletive] stay or that some [expletive] GM elsewhere in the[expletive] league will be [expletive] stupid enough to trade for you.
That should be [expletive] clear to even the casual [expletive] observer.
Since you appreciate the candid shoot from the lip interview style how about this:
Perhaps Gabbo could offer thanks to himself for playing his way onto the fourth line in the first place and then being unable to carry out fourth line duties while expecting an other uninterrupted four years being paid as a first line centre.
Of course not.
It is so much easier to presume that Carlyle wanted him to fail by banishing a thoroughbred scorer to plough horse duty.
The numbers are what they are and in this instace, they're not all good. In fact none of them are good.
Grabovski did not produce at a level remotely commensurate with expectations (including his own). Today's result should have been obvious to everyone.
In fact the only question I had was:what the [expletive] took them so long??? (the answer is they tried to trade him but couldn't).
Now that last circumstance ought to tell you and Grabbo something, namely, that this is not merely the judgement of David Nonis, of KW Sluggo or of a handful of malcontent know nothings, it is the value placed on Grabbo by the marketplace...and that marketplace does not see him as a $4.5M centre over the next four years whose shortcomings were the result of a coach's vendetta.
Now that would make for an interesting interview.
In the interim maybe he can use some of that buy-out cash to polish his vocabulary.
I've bolded the one correct thing you've said.
But, of course, you haven't bothered to look at the numbers and so the other conclusions are wrong.
As a start, someone drew you a picture: