Active member
I think that if you had said "I don't care for this idea as I don't like statues" or whatever then nobody would have given two figs about your opinion. The problem was that you took your opinion and used it as the basis for a statement that really isn't a matter of opinion, calling the statues "stupid" and "a waste of money". But you haven't made an empirical argument as to why that is despite the fact that you're the only person in this thread who seems to not like the idea. MLSE is spending money on something that a lot of fans like. That's their purpose. That's the result they're aiming for. Whether it's to cynically distract fans from their record or out of the goodness of their hearts as a celebration of the team's history, it seems like they've hit their mark.
If MLSE had bought a pizza for 100 fans and 99 had happily grabbed a slice and one guy in the corner loudly complained about how he didn't like pizza nobody would be disputing the validity of his opinion. If he said that they'd wasted their money on the pizza because he doesn't like pizza, well, that would sort of be the definition of being self-centered. MLSE didn't make this decision with the intent of pleasing you specifically and, as a result, their failure to do so does not reflect on the utility of the money they spent.
If MLSE had bought a pizza for 100 fans and 99 had happily grabbed a slice and one guy in the corner loudly complained about how he didn't like pizza nobody would be disputing the validity of his opinion. If he said that they'd wasted their money on the pizza because he doesn't like pizza, well, that would sort of be the definition of being self-centered. MLSE didn't make this decision with the intent of pleasing you specifically and, as a result, their failure to do so does not reflect on the utility of the money they spent.