So the other day my family went to the local Wal-Mart. Since we have a 3-year old and 9-month old, I parked in the spot which says, 'Mom and Tot' (it was -5 out and we had a stroller). Just as my wife and I get out of our car to unload the kids, the lady driving behind us looks over, points to my wife emphatically, and mouths "MOM and tot". Initially I thought she was accusing us of parking in the spot as she didn't see our kids, only to realize that because I was there, we shouldn't have parked in the spot.
Needless to say we were peeved. She parks in the next row over and comes out and looks at us, at which time I ask loudly, "What's the issue." Her response was, "I'm not trying to start anything, but it says 'mom'. That is all." At this point our furor escalates.
As we get into the store, trying to digest the initial shock of it all, we are hanging around the produce section longer than expected. I told my wife I was going to wait for her to ask her what her problem was, only for my wife to say she's not going to come in this way.
Well, low and behold she strolls in with her two sons 5 minutes later. I approach her and ask again what the issue was. Her immediate response was that I was "acting tall" (has nothing to do with the fact she barely clears 5 feet and I am over 6 feet :

) and that I was trying to scare her. Anyways, she kept emphasizing that it says 'MOM' and that her husband would never park there if she was with her (good for them). My wife told her it's a courtesy spot with the wording open to interpretation and she's being gender biased. We proceeded to give her more a piece of our mind, even though she tried brushing it off by saying, "It says 'MOM', and I'll leave it at that."