Sarge said:
RyanSH said:
Yesterday I went and bought a pack of smokes, they were $17.75, I was shocked but paid anyways, then when I got to work I started thinking that is a lot of money and I refuse to pay that much for a pack, I just smoked my last one and am going to attempt to quit now, I have the nicorette quick mist spray which I have used on occasion and seemed to help out. I quit last year for a few weeks, hoping this is my last attempt to kick the habit! I just quickly figured out how much I would save a month if I were to quit at this current price for a pack, $540 a month :|
Tips are welcome!
I quit on my birthday in '09 after smoking for nearly 20 years. I had tried a bunch of things previously with no success and one day I just said eff it... I don't want to do this anymore and I'm stronger than my addiction and quit cold turkey. I was shocked how easy it was to finally quit once I knew I was for certain that was it. - I only had a few bad days really.
Just be honest with yourself. If you really want to quit, you will and you'll be shocked how easy it is. If you don't, don't waste your time on drugs and other snake oils. You'll likely be back to it.
I quit 3 years ago and it was the same for me.. when you are ready to quit and you truly WANT to quit, it isn't that difficult. I smoked a 1/2 pack a day for a decade and couldn't get within 10 feet of a coffee or a beer without instantly wanting a smoke. Now, it doesn't bother me and I can be around smokers, etc etc etc. All fine.
If you sit around thinking constantly about "giving up" something you wish you were still doing, you will fail. You have to get to the place between your ears where finally breaking the habit makes you feel happy to be free of a terrible killer addiction.
$17.75.. must be in BC?