I researched this hip surgery when it took place about 15 months ago. A surprising number of goalies come back better than they were before the surgery. Murray's younger age worked in his favor. No medical procedure comes with a 100% guarantee. Lehner's career ended with hip surgery. Murray was on skates in Jan 2024. Taking shots in Feb 2024. On the ice in Mar 2024. In AHL games in Apr 2024. Throughout the summer he progressed. Others provided good reports on his progress. Murray said he felt better than he had in years. Only 8 AHL games but .931 save% 1.85 GAA .714 pts win% was not a complete shock if you followed the history and what transpired. He's not in the NHL yet but I wouldn't be very surprised if he came up and did well. 15 months of doctors, the team therapists and the player worked pretty hard steadily to get him back. Could be a nice story soon.
Edit: apparently, the Leafs called him up before the roster freeze
I did not see it in the Marlies transactions before I originally posted
and still do not ..
EDIT again:
I checked a variety of NHL transaction sources and don't see any transactions for Hildeby or Murray
The only plausible way now might be related to Hildeby being brought up under emergency recall that might allow them to do something like return him and bring up Murray. Otherwise, the media has jumped the gun.
Edit: apparently, the Leafs called him up before the roster freeze
I did not see it in the Marlies transactions before I originally posted

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EDIT again:
I checked a variety of NHL transaction sources and don't see any transactions for Hildeby or Murray
The only plausible way now might be related to Hildeby being brought up under emergency recall that might allow them to do something like return him and bring up Murray. Otherwise, the media has jumped the gun.
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