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Useless Thread

Hostess has filed for bankruptcy and are laying off over 18,000 employees.

No more twinkies or wonder bread or cup cakes in the future... At least not of the Hostess variety.

Even thou they are not part of my diet today they were a part of my youth and it will be Kind of strange to see them disappear.
TheMightyOdin said:
Hostess has filed for bankruptcy and are laying off over 18,000 employees.

No more twinkies or wonder bread or cup cakes in the future... At least not of the Hostess variety.

Even thou they are not part of my diet today they were a part of my youth and it will be Kind of strange to see them disappear.

Here's what is going to happen.  The company goes through bankruptcy, they sell off a good chunk of the company to friends, get decent payouts, some of the executives will stay on with the new brand and they will continue to sell Twinkies.

It's a union busting maneuver partially.
It should be made pretty clear that Hostess is a Texas based company.  Of all the US states, Texas is pretty much the leader in having minimum wage employees.  They seem to like to make absolutely no money down there...or at least tolerate it.
L K said:
It's a union busting maneuver partially.

And, if this story is true, not like they took the Union members' self-paid pension money to pay their debts or anything....

In July of 2011 we received a letter from the company. It said that the $3+ per hour that we as a Union contribute to the pension was going to be 'borrowed' by the company until they could be profitable again. Then they would pay it all back. The Union was notified of this the same time and method as the individual members. No contact from the company to the Union on a national level.

This money will never be paid back. The company filed for bankruptcy and the judge ruled that the $3+ per hour was a debt the company couldn't repay. The Union continued to work despite this theft of our self-funded pension contributions for over a year. I consider this money stolen. No other word in the English language describes what they have done to this money.

After securing our hourly cash from the bankruptcy judge they set out on getting approval to force a new contract on us. They had already refused to negotiate outside of court. They received approval from the judge to impose the contract then turned it over to the Union for a vote. You read that right, they got it approved by the judge before ever showing to the Union.

What was this last/best/final offer? You'd never know by watching the main stream media tell the story. So here you go...
1) 8% hourly pay cut in year 1 with additional cuts totaling 27% over 5 years. Currently, I make $16.12 an hour at TOP rate of pay in the bakery. I would drop to $11.26 in 5 years.
2) They get to keep our $3+ an hour forever.
3) Doubling of weekly insurance premium.
4) Lowering of overall quality of insurance plan.
5) TOTAL withdrawal from ALL pensions. If you don't have it now then you never will.

Remember how I said I made $48,000 in 2005 and $34,000 last year? I would make $25,000 in 5 years if I took their offer.
It will be hard to replace the job I had, but it will be easy to replace the job they were trying to give me.
That $3+ per hour they steal totaled $50 million last year that they never paid us. They sold $2.5 BILLION in product last year. If they can't make this profitable without stealing my money then good riddance.

L K said:
Here's what is going to happen.  The company goes through bankruptcy, they sell off a good chunk of the company to friends, get decent payouts, some of the executives will stay on with the new brand and they will continue to sell Twinkies.

It's a union busting maneuver partially.

Good ol' union bullying.
Bender said:
Am I the only person on earth that likes both Vermouth and Black Licorice? (not together of course).

No. Big blk licorice fan. The saltier the better. I buy the y&s cigar boxes at costco all the time.

Vermouth? Will have to give it another try. You like Drambuie?
RedLeaf said:
Bender said:
Am I the only person on earth that likes both Vermouth and Black Licorice? (not together of course).

No. Big blk licorice fan. The saltier the better. I buy the y&s cigar boxes at costco all the time.

Vermouth? Will have to give it another try. You like Drambuie?

I tried triple salted blk licorice on Queen St. last year. Salty as all hell, but weirdly delicious.

I drink Stock Vermouth, pretty good. Ernest Hemingway's effect on me haha. But it's also good to take the edge off of straight Whiskey. Manhattan's are pretty nice!
I'm all about Old Fashioneds right now. Traditional bourbon ones are great but made with a premium dark rum, they're outstanding.
RedLeaf said:
What will he charge to use it?

Love this story. Imagine him showing it to his friends.

TV Okay. You wanna watch TV, my wife changes the living room so much that i have had the TV on every wall in the room.
I am up to putting wheels on the thing so she an move it from wall to wall.

Does anyone know if there's like a text-version of a dictaphone? Where you can just type in text? I know that there are electronical notebooks, but im not sure if they have keyboards on the screen or not. I don't want to waste money on a tablet-pc just for the sake of being able to type. My cell has limitations when it comes to comments. I need this for songwriting. I need like a small thing I can bring along, and just type on. Any ideas?
This isn't "useless" at all but perhaps this is the best thread... This is a project we were/are involved with... May I ask for all of you to view and pass along via whatever social media you can? It'll cost you nothing.

Robert Little ‏@arrrlittle
Pls share. The more views, the more $ to Sick Kids! Brain Power Studio: Frosty the Snowman for Sick Kids: http://youtu.be/TKqo0sarpAM  via @youtube

... many thanks.
Bullfrog said:
I weep for humanity when I read YouTube or Facebook comments.

No kidding right? I thought it was just me.... it happens on almost any page when the author states an opinion or idea.... some people are just stupid... thats all I got...